life is beautiful @twilightfirefly

9 Reasons Why Traveling is Good For Your Soul

“Travel opens your heart, broadens your mind and fills your life with stories to tell.”
-Paula Bendfeldt

Haven’t we all, at some point in our lives, felt an urge to lose ourselves amidst nature? Far away from all the chaos, who wouldn’t want to spend some quality time alone by the sea-side reading a book? Or climb on top of a mountain and watch the sun set peacefully? Each one of us dreams of traveling to exotic countries and mystifying places, but this robotic lifestyle is like a spider web that keeps us glued to it, leaving time for nothing at all. How many weekends have we planned trips and then cancelled them due to work? Happens all the time, isn’t it?

We tend to forget that we need to make out some time for ourselves and enjoy too! Life is not meant to just be invested into work. We need to cherish ourselves and the beautiful life that we are gifted with. And traveling is the best way to do that. Traveling has a lot of mental, physical, and spiritual benefits too. Let’s have a look at 9 Reasons Why Traveling is Good For Your Soul:

  • Living in the Moment

live in the moment @twilightfirefly

Traveling helps us forget everything else and just live in the present moment. It makes us realise how the world is such an enormous place and there’s so much more left to explore. We feel invincible in that moment. Traveling gives us beautiful memories to cherish.

  • Meeting New People

meeting people @twilightfirefly

Travel is essential because it brings new experiences with it. It brings excitement, curiosity and a punch of ecstasy into our lives. We get to meet new people and interact with them. Sometimes, we learn major life lessons, and those strangers end up becoming our friends too!

  • Heals the Heart

healing heart @twilightfirefly

Traveling is the best medicine for a wounded heart. Visiting new places gives us a newfound energy and enthusiasm. It makes us forget all the troubles and sorrows that haunt us day and night, and just breathe for a while. It rejuvenates our soul.

  • New Cultures/ Foods/ Lifestyles

new foods @twilightfirefly

When we visit different countries, or even different states in India itself, we can find a range of cultures, languages, attires and foods. Every place has something unique of its own to offer. Traveling gives us a taste of newness and freshness.

  • Smartness and Responsibility

smartness @twilightfirefly

When we travel by ourself, we become more self-reliant, responsible and smart. We learn how to handle things on our own and not break down on minor troubles. Traveling teaches us acceptance and adjustment. It makes us more confident.

  • Spiritual Connection

spiritualconnection @twilightfirefly

Traveling might also be as good as yoga or meditation. It is a great way to detox our mind from all the disturbing thoughts and connect to ourselves spiritually. It helps us introspect and understand ourselves in a better way.

  • The World is Beautiful

beautiful world @twilightfirefly

It’s when we get out of our tiny space into the immensity of this world, we realise how beautiful it actually is! From a single sprouting bud to the tallest trees, from the buzzing of a honeybee to the rustling of the winds, everything about nature is so perfect and soothing.

  • Judicious Use of Money

money @twilightfirefly

Traveling makes us wise with our money. We understand where to spend and where to save- how to manage all our expenses in budget, make smart decisions, and enjoy our vacation to the maximum.


  • Out of Comfort Zone

All the real growth and excitement happens only when we jump out of our comfort zones. Those are the moments we remember the most. Traveling might seem scary, or even useless to some, but believe me, that is where all the fun is! We must definitely travel at least once every year to a place that excites us. There are lots of adventures awaiting us!

Hope you all enjoyed reading this post. What is the best holiday destination that you’ve been to? How was your experience? Are there any ‘MUST VISIT’ places you would like to recommend our readers? Do let me know in the comments secion. This is Firefly signing off. 😀 Keep shining like me!

For any queries/feedback, do contact me here. Thankyou!

2019 Twilight_Firefly ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

25 thoughts on “9 Reasons Why Traveling is Good For Your Soul”

  1. Heyyyy! Kitna pyaara article likha hain aapne! Artwork bahot hi pyaara hain! 😍
    Thank you so much for sharing such a beautiful piece of writing with us! 💙
    Rajasthan is a must visit destination! ♥️😅

  2. Traveling is a spiritual thing for me; thrilling and ecstatic 😉
    Having said that, I’ll like to appreciate this quality post which has some creative images. Do you draw them by your own? They are called doodles, if I’m not wrong?

    1. Hey! That’s really interesting to know. Thankyou for reading my post.
      Haha, yes. They’re called doodles, and they’re so much fun to design. I’m happy you liked them. Thankyou again! 😀

  3. Well written 👍👍 really true . From long time we are planning to go for holidays but it was not possible . Hope this year we will…..☺☺👍👍

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