Day 12 – Moon, Rose and Fireflies (Haiku)

Hello all! National Poetry Writing Month is on! It’s the time when poets from all around the world exhibit their love for the art of poetry writing. 😄

My poems for Day 12 are titled- Rose, Moon and Fireflies. The title signifies the three things that I deeply love. I’ve never seen a Firefly, huh. But I believe she must be beautiful and crazy, haha. So, I’ve tried writing Haiku poems for the first time and they were suuuuper exciting. I enjoyed myself completely. 🤠 Haiku is a nature poem consisting of 17 syllables in total, arranged in 5-7-5 fashion. Have a look at my attempts!


Shimmering softly,
Silver frisbee hangs in sky,
A poet sighs in love!


Sweet scented perfection,
Nature bows to its monarch,
Sanguine rhythms play on!


Wild and carefree,
Explosives of optimism
fly, World stares in awe!

You can check out my previous attempts at #NaPoWriMo here and here. Thankyou. This is Firefly signing off! Keep shining! ⭐

©2019-20 Twilight_Firefly ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

9 thoughts on “Day 12 – Moon, Rose and Fireflies (Haiku)”

    1. Haha, thankyou. It’s NaPoWriMo- National Poetry Writing Month. Poets write a poem every single day of April to celebrate their love for poetry. 😄

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