rose @twilightfirefly

His Love!

I sit before you, staring into your eyes,
For hours and hours, my soul feels alive!
Feeling the warmth of your love,
While, oh, you embrace me tight!

Wrapped in your warm and comfy arms,
I feel protected, and deeply adored.
Little by little, calming my soul,
Your gentle touch, radiates to my core!

Too far apart, I’ll die of separation,
A little too close, you’ll burn me alive. 😹
We share a very unique relationship,
You’re blazing fire, I’m frozen ice!

You shower warm kisses upon me,
And I accept them like a treat!
Whenever you are around, love,
There ain’t a better place to be!


Haha, hello people! This is a poem dedicated to the heater. I’m sure it’s going to find a significant position in your lives too, in the coming days! 😛 Anyways, I’m going on a break due to exams, so will be back in 2020 maybe. Till then, keep shining everyone. This is Firefly signing off! 😀

©2019 Twilight_Firefly ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

37 thoughts on “His Love!”

    1. Couldn’t imagine a poem about Heater could help anyone in any possible way. 😹 But thankyou! Your comments made me feel really happy again.

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