mindless blogging firefly post 4

Firefly’s Mindless Blogging (Post #4)

Hello people,

Hope you all are doing well. I know I’ve not been following Firefly’s Mindless Blogging Challenge since the last week. The result is that I’m in a huge debt right now that I haven’t even counted. Haha, Firefly is a super lazy fly! Won’t be able to recover it anytime soon.

Even after trying so hard, it’s still difficult for me to post anything at all. I literally think about posting a blog every single day, but believe it or not, I’m really scared of people here. I feel like everyone’s watching and judging me on whatever I post here. That feeling makes me freeze to the core!

I have multiple blog drafts in my notes app right now, but I keep on overthinking if it’s even worth sharing and finally end up not posting anything at all. Nobody reads my blog anyway, so there’s nothing to lose, right? That was the whole idea behind starting this challenge, but I fail miserably at all challenges. The same happened in NaPoWriMo 2020 as well. 🙁

sad firefly

Anyway, so assuming nobody is reading, here goes my silly blog post!

I’ve been watching Chess streams on YouTube and this idea struck me. Do you all like board games? Do you still play them? I remember I learned how to play Chess when I was 7-8 years old. And since then, I and my brother used to play together. It’s such a mind-requiring game. It’s unexpected, spontaneous, thrilling, it’s mysterious. It’s so full of suspense!

Every piece in this game holds a lot of importance, be it a tiny pawn or the majestic queen! But my most favorite is the mighty GHODA! He has such an amazing and deceptive personality. He attacks in completely unexpected ways and a lot of times, players lose their valuable pieces because of Ghoda. I’m a crazy fan, huh! (Blog post on Why Ghoda is a Respectable Animal coming soon!)

In this post, let’s talk about the Top 3 Life Lessons to Learn From Chess.

Every Piece Holds Value

One shouldn’t underestimate anyone’s potential. Every piece on the chessboard holds value and that’s why it’s included in the game. Even pawns can become queens if played right, huh! The same goes for life. Kids weak in academics might become billionaires later. A beggar might play the guitar better than you do! In short, everyone’s important.

Look Fom All Perspectives

Do you know what Chess Grandmasters do differently? They don’t just think about their game, but also look from their opponent’s perspective. To prolong your game, you have to look from the rook’s point, the knight’s point, the queen’s point, the pawn’s point, etc. before you make any move.

The same goes for life. If you are a team, you have to look from every person’s point of view before making any major decisions that might put them in danger.

Every Move Has a Purpose

I learned this recently after downloading the Official Chess App and playing against people and getting defeated so brutally. That person played the Scholar’s Mate on me, huh. :/ There’s no timepass in Chess. If you’re there to win, you cannot just move the knight cause you feel like it. NO!

Every single move you make must be carefully thought of. If your bishop is on the verge of getting killed, you need to back it up with another piece and keep it on protection. That’s what wise people do.

The same goes for life. But I disagree a bit. You need to find your purpose in life and then inculcate it in your actions. However, I’ve had quite a fluctuating academic graph due to lack of a mainstream purpose.

I personally believe that one should follow his/her passion in order to stay happy and content. There’s nothing like being satisfied going to bed waiting for the next day to begin. 🙂

I hope you found this post bearable! I will try to improve the quality of my posts with more practice. What other games do you like? How about Among Us? I find it very addictive too. But it doesn’t ever let me be impostor huh! Anyways, do share your views in the comments section below. I’ll see you in the next post. Take care. This is Firefly signing off!

©2019-20 Twilight_Firefly ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

38 thoughts on “Firefly’s Mindless Blogging (Post #4)”

    1. Arey yaaar Bhaiya. 😹 Don’t do my kachra here. Itna mushkil se I wrote this. Also, I’m terrified of you. You write every single day! 😨 That’s insane.

    2. Nobody reads my posts. Let’s keep it that way. 😒 Meko wahi jammta hai.
      I write because I think too much too! But I don’t post because I think too much. 🤦🏾‍♀️

    1. Woohoo! Someone read my blog. Thanks a lot, Yash! Do you play chess? I would like to know your views on the same first.

      Q1. Why do you think Ghoda is a respectable animal? (10 marks) 😹

    2. Do not say that. I always read your blog.
      And yes I play chess but didn’t learn to play at such an early age as you.
      Why do i think…? Ummm maybe, while the other pieces can cause damage by staying in their own territory waiting for a long shot; the knight infiltrates into the others creating an opening for them meanwhile😅.

    3. Hehe, I’m sorry for not providing valuable content on this then.
      Ooohh! Why didn’t I think of that! That’s a really good reason. Will try to include this in the post. Smart, huh! 😼

    4. Haha, Firefly is generous that way. You’ll get a good 7 on 10 for your answer. Aur soch ke batana, mujhe ideas bhi mil jayenge. We can share the credit. 😼

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