Greenery swallowed me!

Firefly says Hello people! It’s been ages that I visited this place and I doubt I have any blogger friends left now. 😛

Anyway, greetings to anyone reading this post. I have not published a single post on WordPress this year. I might blame it on lack of time, lack of creativity, busy schedule, and what not!

But nobody can change the bitter truth which is – Nobody is always busy. We make time for the things important to us. This really struck me hard.

So, after a long month of thinking and procrastinating and asking some traitor bloggers to come join me in vain, I am finally here by myself, huh.

I am going to be regular on this blog from now on. To mark Firefly’s return, here’s a tiny poem. Hope you enjoy!

Image Credit: Unsplash

I climbed atop the majestic mountain,
With carefree waters caressing its feet.
But soothing winds couldn’t sway the noise,
Wherever I dwelt, the chaos followed me.

My mind resembled a tangled mess, with
A constant chatter that wouldn’t cease.
The sun shone bright with a million hopes,
And love songs of chirpy birds mellowed me.

Majestic green threads weaved this world,
Silver dew drops painted the slender trees,
When I lay back with serenity in my heart,
Oh, the magical greenery swallowed me!

Anyway, this was something that I experienced a while back. Nature really heals all the stress of our everyday lives, isn’t it?

What do you guys do to calm yourself? Do you go out on a vacation, listen to music, or something entirely different?

Do let me know your thoughts in the comments section below. This is Firefly signing off. Keep shining! ✨

©2019-20 Twilight_Firefly ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

11 thoughts on “Greenery swallowed me!”

  1. That’s a beautiful poem, my dear firefly.. I’m glad that you’re back. I’ve missed you. We all need a break from blogging at times. I find that reading, reorganizing my house and binge-watching helps calm me down.

    1. Hi Shweta! How sweet of you, I missed you as well. Finally gathered the courage to come back, haha. Hope you’re doing good. 😊

      That’s so true. But my break stretched a little too long. Firefly’s going to be six next week and this is my way of compensating for it. 🤦🏽‍♀️

      Haha, rearranging things really does some magic to divert the mind. Lovely ways to cope with stress!

    2. We all need a break from time to time and the break goes on for much longer than we had expected. I’m glad that you’re back. Wow! 6 years!!! Congratulations in advance 😀

  2. Oh I see this is your first post of the year! Please write more often. Poem was wonderful. Regarding your question, I think meditation is a good way to calm down. Also if one has a desk job he/she should indulge in physical activities like running or yoga atleast 30-40 mins a day along with regular breaks during working hours. Long stretch of sittings can hurt your anxiety resilience a lot. So I like to go on frequent walks after 30-40 mins of continuous sitting. This helps me, I hope it benefits you as well.

    1. Hi Abhishek! It’s been years that I saw you here. And look who’s speaking! When did you last blog? 😂

      Anyway, thankyou for the lovely comment. I didn’t think I’d be able to write a poem again, but here we are! I’ve planned to be regular here, when are you coming back?

      And, that’s a very good suggestion. I hardly walk at all during the day. Will try to be more active from now. Waiting for your nature poems. Start blogging soon. 😄✨

  3. Well, this might be your first blog of this year or poem as you say so but I know there are so many poems, thought, one liner, paragraphs and stories you have wrote in your mind and heart.

    I don’t know, but I am not able to find this on wordpress to has to login in here.

    Well, that’s not the point. The poem is beautifully written and you are lit as always. I am really really proud that you have come here once again.

    Thank you for giving me an opportunity to be a reader again

    1. That is correct. Not all thoughts make it to the paper/blog. I’m so happy you came to read my post. How have you been? What book are you reading these days?

      Hehe, thankyou. You’ll get to see better poems in the coming days. Anyway, do write something soon and give me the opportunity to be a reader as well. 😁🌟

    2. Haha 🤣 about me write something. Not happening soon! Too much other things to handle.

      And the book is still is the Same as we discussed earlier. Think like a monk. Jay Shetty.

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