Welcome to Firefly’s Blog!

Hello there people! How have you all been doing? Guess what’s different? This time I’m back with a new post on a new website! Isn’t that amazing? Firefly’s turning four in a day and I just wanted to do something special for her birthday. So, we decided to gift her a website of her own. And her happiness knows no bounds! She has been flying and jumping around in excitement all day, haha. Have a look!

Haven’t really thought about what I’m going to post here. It would really be a mixture of poems, articles, comic strips, personal experiences etc. Hope you’ll enjoy reading my work.

For now, here’s a little poem for you all. It’s a seasonal poem, featuring Monsoon Man, who’s really getting unbearable these days. 😕 Enjoy!

He drove the relentless Summer,
Out and away from the skies,
Ushered an Army of gray clouds,
Who came giggling, all huddled up,
Like little boys on a playground.
The clouds parted to reveal a chariot,
Held by the most gorgeous face,
Storms swished and swirled with glee,
The trees and leaves bowed to his feet.
Thunder boomed, lightening came forth,
Raindrops poured down, satiating the Earth.
I kept on staring at him, charmed, when,
He smiled down and gave me a wink,
Oh how I blushed and turned all pink.
Thanking, I spread my arms to the breeze,
Monsoon Man had finally heard my pleas!

Do subscribe to this website if you find my work worth reading. Thankyou very much for always supporting me! Firefly is truly grateful. 🐝

And if you’re new to this new website, check out my previous blog here. 😹

© 2019 Twilight_Firefly ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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