Firefly Doodles


Firefly’s Mindless Blogging Challenge (Post #3)

Hello people! How are you all doing? Busy with Diwali ki safaai, huh? Firefly is back with a comic this time. Couldn’t write anything yesterday, but I won’t quit so easily. Consistency is the key to a successful blog! This Mindless Blogging Challenge is my own creation to get over Writer’s Block. It basically has …

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Firefly Turns Five!

Hello people! I had been planning for this day for so long, but my exams ruined everything, huh. I’m still not done with them. But, anyway, do you know what’s so special about today? It’s Firefly’s Fifth Birthday! Woohooo! I wish you all could see her rolling and dancing all around the house with joy! …

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7 Reasons Why Online Teaching is a Failure in India

“Classrooms don’t need tech geeks who can teach, we need teaching geeks who can use tech.” –David Geurin Isn’t this true for the present condition? Everything has gone haywire across the nation. The Corona Virus pandemic has wreaked a havoc, especially on the Education sector in India. The field of Academics has received a sharp …

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I remember waking up confused,In that dark and lonesome cellar.Which reeked of all things rotten, that,Hadn’t been cleaned in a hundred years. I could hear grieving voices above,Saw a light shine from the corner.I dashed up through that open door,And found women huddled together. All dressed in white satin sarees,Some sat dejected, some did pray.They …

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Snake in Demand

Hello everyone! This is a silly poem that I wrote a while back. Hope you enjoy reading. You know, it’s really getting tough for me to post anything here, cause talented people like you intimidate me very much. Even the thought of posting something scares me these days. 😹 I can never write high quality …

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faith @twilightfirefly

Keep the Faith

Do you ever feel like,All those things, long cherished,Fail to make you smile anymore?And every time you feel helpless, you,End up knocking on the same door? Like every time the door opens,It’s doomed to close upon you.And everything’s a nightmare,Nothing’s real, nothing’s true! Like every time you try to solve the puzzle,It complicates, making your …

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Follow Your Heart

Hello friends and bloggers! Wish you all a very Happy and prosperous Diwali. Talking about Diwali, it’s a Hindu festival which marks the triumph of the good over the evil. On this day, Lord Ram finally returned to Ayodhya after defeating Ravana, completing 14 years of exile. This festival is popularly known as the ‘Festival …

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