Chandni Asnani

Hello! This is Firefly, a happy soul who dreams of inspiring the world with the power of pen! :)

Moon watching!

Hello people! I know I’ve not been active here, but it’s just getting super tough for me to put my thoughts on paper. My head is brimming with crazy ideas, but execution is zero, haha. I don’t know how to get over this. It will take some time, maybe. So, today I just found a …

Moon watching! Read More »


Firefly’s Mindless Blogging Challenge (Post #3)

Hello people! How are you all doing? Busy with Diwali ki safaai, huh? Firefly is back with a comic this time. Couldn’t write anything yesterday, but I won’t quit so easily. Consistency is the key to a successful blog! This Mindless Blogging Challenge is my own creation to get over Writer’s Block. It basically has …

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fireflys mindless blogging challenge day 2

Firefly’s Mindless Blogging Challenge (Post #2)

Hi again! This is Day 2 of Firefly’s Mindless Blogging Challenge and I’m here with another post. I’m gradually getting the hang of blogging again. You know, I’ve noticed this one thing since yesterday that we only need the will to do something. That’s it. Everything becomes possible after you say ‘Yes‘. And this applies …

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Firefly Turns Five!

Hello people! I had been planning for this day for so long, but my exams ruined everything, huh. I’m still not done with them. But, anyway, do you know what’s so special about today? It’s Firefly’s Fifth Birthday! Woohooo! I wish you all could see her rolling and dancing all around the house with joy! …

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